today was the kind of day we had been dreaming about since we started planning this trip. we were both still in bed at 10:30 (benjamin had gotten some breakfast and had gone back to bed), slowly got up and made our way to the tennis courts. no one was there, so we took our time spraying the courts down with water (they're clay, of course) and warming up. we played 5 complete sets of tennis -- sometimes good tennis, sometimes bad tennis, all the time tennis surrounded by huge mountains and 80 degree blue skies. when we finished, we sat alone under the shade of the clubhouse and drank water, relaxing after a good, long workout. already 2:30 or so, we dropped our stuff off in our room, biked to the penny markt for lachs, schinken, bread and cheese, and went directly to the hawaiisee, where we leisurely ate canned asparagus, pickles, kalamata olives and the aforementioned before taking a nap right there next to the lake. an hour or so of digesting later, we took the floats out for another hour of uninterrupted relaxation -- the only two souls in the water that afternoon. around 6:30, we knew we needed to get home, since falkenstein's polka-band wednesdays start at 7 and this is the last one we'd get to take part in. we got home, got changed, and got to the restaurant in time to find the last free table. over the next 2 hours, we enjoyed the music, steins of beer, raspberry schnäpse, and two genuinely german meals: käse spätzle (kind of like mac-and-cheese with onions) and a cold meat plate, full of blood sausage, liver mush and the like. i'll let our humble readers deduce who ordered what. the winds and dark clouds of an upcoming storm blew in, and we made it back to our room around 10 -- just in time for a cribbage game, absinthe nightcap, and a short conversation with mom. tomorrow's christine's day off, so she'll assuredly have something to show us.
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